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10 Mini Stick Hockey Games for 1 to 4+ Players

10 Mini Stick Game Ideas for active kids and louder basements

A staple in Canadian basements, mini stick hockey is a great introduction to the game and helps work on skills like stickhandling, passing, and shooting.  Fun for all ages, here are some game ideas for keeping the game fresh.


1 or 2 Portanets with included Hockey or Multitarget Quikflys

1 Mini Stick per Player

1+ Flyballs


Mini stick and knee hockey target fun for the family

Single Player

Target Shooting: With either the Hockey or Multitarget Quikfly, try to score as many times into the targets.  Test your accuracy with 10 shots, or create your own scoring system with the Multitarget's different-sized baskets.  This can be played with as many players as you like, either as individuals or in teams.

Two Player

1v1 Half Court: Set up the net and agree on a clearing line that players must cross before switching from defence to offence.  Use the hockey Quikfly as a goalie, or increase the challenge with the Multitarget and assign different points for the different baskets.  Either set a time limit or scoring goal, like first to 10 wins.

1v1 Full Court: Set up two nets across from each other, and use Quikflys just as in Half Court.

2v0 One Timers: Practice passing and shooting with a buddy, for a challenge test your accuracy with 10 shots each.

2v0 Shot-Tip: Set up one player to take shots, and another in front of the net tipping the ball into Quikfly corners or baskets.  After 10 shots, switch places.

HORSE: Get creative with trick shots.  1st player tries a shot and if successful, 2nd player has to duplicate.  If 1st player misses, it is the second player's turn to come up with a shot.  If a player misses on their turn to duplicate a shot, they get a letter.  The player first to spell HORSE loses.

Three Player

1v1 with Goalie Half Court: Set up the net with the open goal, and agree on a clearing line players must cross before switching from defence to offence.  The 3rd player is the goalie, and tries to stop both players from scoring.  Set a time limit, or first team to 10 wins.

2v0 with Goalie Half Court: Two players try to score on the goal with the 3rd player as goalie.  Players get a point for every goal, and goalie gets a point for every time they "freeze" the ball by grabbing or covering it.  First to 10 wins.

Four Player

2v2 Half Court: Set up the net with the Hockey Quikfly and agree on a clearing line the player with the ball must cross before their team switches from defence to offence.  Another fun variation to the clearing line is the ball must be passed off a wall to clear.  Set a time limit, or first team to 10 wins. 

2v2 Full Court: Set up two nets across from each other, and use Quikflys just as in Half Court.

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